Latest News
All Things Roads
Uploaded: April 26, 2023
On behalf of Cllr Ashley O’Neill and Calne Area board please see information below for the upcoming ‘All Things Roads’ public meeting. This meeting is being chaired by Cllr Ashley O’Neill and attended by senior officers from Wiltshire Council highways and public protection departments, John Derryman, Strategic Planning and Performance Officer in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioneralong with Cllr Caroline Thomas, the cabinet member for Highways, and local councillors. The purpose of the meeting is to offer Calne Area residents, business owners, voluntary organisations and local town and parish councillors an opportunity to listen to updates and discuss the roads of the Calne Community Area with a focus on traffic congestion, flow, air quality, speeding and safety.
Please could you share this invitation with anyone that you think would find it interesting.
If anyone has any points or questions they would like to raise prior to attending please ask them to e-mail using the subject heading “All Things Roads” by 5pm Thursday 11 May. Panel members will have sight of these in advance and will look to cover off the most frequently cited points in their responses.
The Meeting is at 7pm on Monday 15th May at Calne Community Campus.
The Meeting is at 7pm on Monday 15th May at Calne Community Campus.