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Christmas Waste and Recycling Collection Dates

Uploaded: November 18, 2021

Christmas waste and recycling collections and HRC opening times 2021

 Waste and recycling dates will not change over the Christmas and New Year period, as waste collection crews will be working as normal on Bank Holidays Monday 27, Tuesday 28 December 2021, and Monday 3 January 2022.

Garden waste collections will stop for two weeks over this period as normal. The last collections will take place on Friday 24 December and they will restart on Monday 10 January 2022.

Residents can check their waste, recycling and garden waste collection online at

Household recycling centre (HRC) opening times and dates will change over the Christmas and New Year period and residents are advised to check online before visiting an HRC at

HRCs that normally open on Fridays will be open on Christmas Eve, 24 December from 10am but will close at 1pm. All HRCs will be closed on Saturday 25, Sunday 26 December and Saturday 1 January 2022. Other than on these dates, the centres will open as normal on their specified opening days.

Christmas recycling messages:

At Christmas time many of us generate more waste than usual. We would like everyone to do their bit by recycling as much of their waste as possible. Our kerbside recycling collection service helps make this easy to do.

In addition to the everyday items people tend to recycle in their blue lidded bin and black box, people can add items including wrapping paper, providing it scrunches into a ball*; cardboard packaging, plastic sweet tubs (up to 5 litres), mince pie foil cases, drinks cans, glass bottles, and Christmas cards without glitter. Local charity shops may be happy to receive donations of unwanted Christmas presents.

It is important that people do not place batteries or electrical items into any of their bins. These items can cause fires in collection vehicles or at waste