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Hilmarton – Best Kept Village Award Ceremony
Uploaded: October 5, 2008

Hilmarton Village was placed first in the whole of Wiltshire, in the small village category on the 50th anniversary of this prestigious event. The village received considerable praise in all categories and the comments of the judges are as follows…
- Residential gardens well kept, hedges and verges well tended. All outbuildings well maintained.
- Playing field free from litter and well maintained.
- Play area with play equipment kept to a good standard.
- School hall and community room beautifully presented.
- School garden and school well tended.
- Notice boards – information current and well set out.
- Bus shelter clean.
- Burial grounds neat and tidy.
- Baptist church beautifully presented.
- Public house and Garage, clean and tidy.
- No litter in the village.
- We loved the lavender bushes in the churchyard!
Overall Comment: A feeling of public spirit throughout the village, and living village atmosphere with all people contributing to the overall effect.
The award ceremony took place on Sunday 5th October 2008 at 3.30pm.
Those present were welcomed by Mr George McDonic, the Chairman of the Wiltshire Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE).
Mr J Bush OBE, President of the CPRE Wiltshire Branch, unveiled the CPRE shield positioned on the grass triangle behind the bus shelter. Due to wet weather the remainder of the ceremony was continued inside the Church, which was still beautifully decorated with flowers from the Harvest Festival Service.
The following presentations were made:

Wiltshire County Council Best Kept Village Plaque
Presented by Brigadier R Hall, Chairman of Wiltshire County Council, to Fred and Janet Jennings

North Wiltshire District Council Cheque
Presented by Cllr Henderson, by Chairman of NWDC & Alison Bucknell, District Councillor, to Kevin Iles.
All the awards were accepted on behalf of the Parish Council, and were received by people who had made a direct contribution in helping to achieve this prestigious award.
The ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks to all concerned, given by John Henly, Chairman of Hilmarton Parish Council.
Guests were then invited to the Duke Hotel where Rob and Teresa had laid on a delicious buffet.
All that have helped in any way should feel really proud that our village has been recognised as the “Best Kept” in Wiltshire
Notes on the best kept village competition
The criteria for judging is as follows:
- Trees, hedges, walls, fences, banks, verges, residential gardens and outbuildings.
- Open spaces (public & private) village greens, playing fields, allotments, ponds and streams, footpaths and rights of way, specified conservation areas.
- Public and community buildings, and their surroundings, village halls, schools, bus shelters, telephone kiosks, upkeep and currency of public notice boards.
- Churches, church halls and their surroundings, war memorials, memorial gardens and burial grounds.
- Shops, public houses, workshops, garages, advertising displays and their restraint, absence of fly posting, litter and rubbish.
- The event is organised and sponsored by: Campaign to Protect Rural England.