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Piers Maynard

Uploaded: April 30, 2021

Happily, my banns were read in St Laurence’s in 1980, my parents living at Cowage and the parents of my wife Sally at Avon. Christened in Bishops Cannings and at school in Savernake Forest, I am a furriner with admiration for the way in which the parish manages its affairs; looks after its churches, school, alms houses, halls and cricket club; contributes to housing development; seeks improved road and verge management; and for how it draws together its different interest groups and as a community, both in good times and bad; with distant memories of the Duke...
Living at Corton since 2005 and working in international financial services since 1976, I serve on the board of the Marlborough Downs Space for Nature and sit on the finance committee of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.