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Hilmarton Neighbourhood Plan

Uploaded: January 25, 2019

Notification of decision regarding the application for designation of Hilmarton Parish Neighbourhood Area.

The Designation of Hilmarton Parish Neighbourhood Area has been approved in accordance with section 61G of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended for the purposes of Neighbourhood Planning and Part 2 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 as amended 2016.

Please accept this email as formal notification of the designation of the Hilmarton Parish Neighbourhood Area.

A copy of the decision notice including a map which identifies the area can be viewed on the council’s neighbourhood planning webpage via: Details can also be found on the Hilmarton Parish Council Website.

Designation of a Neighbourhood Area signals a parish / town council’s / steering group’s intentions to embark on the process of producing a neighbourhood plan. The parish council / steering group is responsible for the development and drafting of the neighbourhood plan as a community-led process. Anyone who lives, works or carries out business in the neighbourhood area should be informed about the process. Please refer to the parish council’s website for updates and opportunities for being involved in the plan development. Wiltshire Council webpages provide information about neighbourhood planning in general.